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DVD Lens Cleaner

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    • The goal is to remove dust and debris that accumulates on the laser lens.
    • Dust and dirt are a reality of our environment and will accumulate on the components inside DVD or CD players.
    • Since the laser light passes through the lens in two directions (first to read the information on the disc and then to receive the information back to the component and process it), the negative effect caused by a dirty laser lens is doubled.
    • The HyperBRUSH™ system assures that the lens and brush are in the same place at the same time.
    • The HyperBRUSH™ is 150% longer than most other products and wipes the lens that other products miss.
    • The HyperBRUSH™ is far more flexible than other products to assure low impact, safe and effective cleaning.
    • Audio system diagnostics are included on the CleanLogic™ CL311 Laser Lens Cleaner. This will help fine-tune your home audio system to give you all the sound quality you paid for.

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